Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.0.1

Dec 1st 2024

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    New feature.

  • tick icon

    New feature.

  • tick icon

    New feature.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.2.5

July 23rd 2024

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Added Blocs project code sample for export option in trial mode.

  • tick icon

    Added Support for dragging images onto carousels on the design canvas to assign the image to the active carousel slide.

  • tick icon

    Added support for + and ~ combinator in class names.

  • tick icon

    Added support to nudge Blocs in group up and down with keyboard shortcut.

  • tick icon

    Improved class token field token tooltips.

  • tick icon

    Update Bloc group child Bloc global markers when moving between zones.

  • tick icon

    Minor Interface tweaks.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused underscore characters to be replaced when a class name is edited in the Class Editor.

  • tick icon

    Fixed loophole that allowed adding large WebP images to projects.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused image editor crop lock icon to remain in interface when cropping is disabled.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when browsing a server in Connection Manager and collapsing section with a selection inside.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when closing a project with a menu selected.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with dragging images onto Masonry Image Galleries.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented Bloc and Bric item overlay controls showing when mouse is over them.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with Bloc groups.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with nudging Blocs and Bloc groups in and out of Global Areas with keyboard shortcuts.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with dragging and dropping Blocs within Bloc Groups in the layer tree.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with using html tags in class names.

  • tick icon

    Fixed some typos.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.2.4

May 28th 2024

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Added auto pause function for multiple audio and video players to stop playback overlap.

  • tick icon

    Added save page template to Page Navigator.

  • tick icon

    Improved install speed of installing multiple custom Blocs when main application is open.

  • tick icon

    Added support to show extension count in Extension Manager search field.

  • tick icon

    Clean up slider output values in interface.

  • tick icon

    Added "check for updates" button to Extension Manager.

  • tick icon

    Update check is no longer automatically run when opening the Extension Manager.

  • tick icon

    Excluded pages in the Page Navigator now have muted thumbnails.

  • tick icon

    Updated insert icon from Bric Bar UX to support hold option key to center on insert (the same as text).

  • tick icon

    Improve field link button in Class Editor state on light mode.

  • tick icon

    Added alpha slider to Hue colour controls.

  • tick icon

    Added support to drag mp3 files out of Asset Manager onto canvas to create audio player.

  • tick icon

    Updated Cookie Consent Bric, hide unnecessary controls.

  • tick icon

    Added support for the latest Google fonts.

  • tick icon

    Global Area tweaks.

  • tick icon

    Added ability to show decimal place values on custom Bric slider controls.

  • tick icon

    Added ability to toggle additional sidebar controls on and off for custom Brics - Bric Builder.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused audio and videos to continue playing in background when preview mode is closed.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could prevent changes to page SEO settings of the website home page.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused preview button right click menu to keep expanding when selecting default preview in browser.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause nudge and select keyboard shortcuts to break.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause nudge and select keyboard shortcuts to break.

  • tick icon

    Fixed memory leak when installing multiple custom Blocs.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with find and replace window showing for Code Editor as it's currently unsupported and misleading.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with page settings not remembering the currently open tab.

  • tick icon

    Fixed layer tree selection issue after applying interactions to icons and images.

  • tick icon

    Fixed selection issue after removing interactions from icons and images when making selections with Layer Tree.

  • tick icon

    Fixed selection issue when inserting centered icon Brics.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Carousel indicators to stop working when changing a carousels ID.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with duplicating carousels that caused their indicator links to break.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with social card image links being included in sitemap file when no image is set.

  • tick icon

    Fixed Extension Manager layout issue when installing.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with embed asset function.

  • tick icon

    Fixed double alert when dragging large image files onto Asset Manager.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when right clicking page attachments in projects with linked assets.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.2.3

April 9th 2024

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Added new server browser feature for setting publish upload path.

  • tick icon

    Improved loading speed of large projects.

  • tick icon

    Added preload option for audio players - Turn preload off for faster page load speeds.

  • tick icon

    Disabled preloading of audio Bric file by default (Improved page load speeds for sites with many audio players).

  • tick icon

    Disabled preloading of audio Bric file by default.

  • tick icon

    Auto hide horizontal scroll controls when they reach end of content.

  • tick icon

    Only trusted seller Blocs Store products will show in in-app search results.

  • tick icon

    Improve UX for Brics that are not installed.

  • tick icon

    Added ability to get latest Blocs Store products with @store search query in Bloc and Bric Bar.

  • tick icon

    Added interface hint to search latest Blocs and Brics in Blocs store from Bloc | Bric Bar.

  • tick icon

    Added interface hint to search latest Blocs and Brics in Blocs store from Bloc | Bric Bar.

  • tick icon

    Custom Bric version numbers are now displayed in inspector title.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused assets loading failure in Asset Manager in really large projects on MacOS Sonoma.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause duplicate Blocs Store search results items in Bric Bar.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with tooltips on interface items that could cause Blocs to crash.

  • tick icon

    Fixed audio control checkbox tooltips.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.2.2

March 11th 2024

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Added automatic console debugging for custom Brics.

  • tick icon

    Made various improvements to horizontal container scrolling.

  • tick icon

    Refine developer console UI.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with using stored custom classes that have :hover or other states in their names.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that left unlocked padlock icons on Class Manager items when scrolling classes.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when removing classes from Class Library.

  • tick icon

    Fixed SEO page name issue with Super App and Minima Site templates.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused selection keyboard shortcut from working when trying to select next Bloc when the Bloc is not in the same page zone as the current Bloc.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with add Bloc keyboard shortcut working on a newly added page.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with reset Bric HTML not reselecting current Bric.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused custom Bric attachments not to be refreshed upon update if Bric was first used in a previous version of Blocs.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with preview mode, when previewing in browser before in-app preview has been used.

  • tick icon

    Fixed preview in browser issue that prevented page loading on first attempt.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused site search Bric to break if page description contains quote characters.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with light mode Custom Bric update notes.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with custom Bric template files not being included if duplicate template values exist for a single Bric resource.

  • tick icon

    Fixed styling issue with Missing Asset Window.

  • tick icon

    Fixed save warning when saving projects last saved on iPadOS.

  • tick icon

    Fixed typo in preferences.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.2.1

February 5th 2024

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Improved insert controls when using Blocs with low padding.

  • tick icon

    Improved deleting last row and column UX.

  • tick icon

    Added support to fit canvas in available space when resizing layer tree.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused duplicate custom Bric template resources.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause the layer tree to skip and miss out some content on the page.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused URLs to have unwanted http:// prefix added in very specific circumstances.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with light box keyboard navigation controls.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various Bric Builder interface issues.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with page description field not automatically removing unsupported characters such as line returns.

  • tick icon

    Fixed undo issue with horizontal scroll inspector checkbox controls.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with only the first dash in an image name being replaced when auto-populating the alt tag attribute.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash if trying to edit an image with a comma in the file name.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevents rename asset to work correctly, if name contains a apostrophe.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with global swatches not being set correctly in horizontal scroll controls.

  • tick icon

    Fixed inconsistency with Div Container labels.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with Code Editor that could cause unwanted code in header section.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused find unused assets from working correctly.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused layer tree to break if carousel exists in a Bloc.

  • tick icon

    Fixed preview mode zoom issue on MacOS Sonoma.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with accordion data attributes not being correctly updated when changing active open pane.

  • tick icon

    Fixed php preview not loading on first attempt.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with sharing PHP server over AirDrop.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with canvas alignment after previewing, when the layer tree is not default width.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused canvas cropping when starting Blocs with a layer tree that is wider than the default width.

  • tick icon

    Fixed some typos.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.2.0

Dec 13th 2023

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Added new Kaden Site Template.

  • tick icon

    Added new Horizontal Scroll Container.

  • tick icon

    Added 6 new horizontal scroll Blocs to core library.

  • tick icon

    Added ability to lock classes.

  • tick icon

    Added support to share preview URL with Air Drop.

  • tick icon

    Added new share screenshot options for Email, iMessages and Air Drop.

  • tick icon

    Added support for auto applying matching retina @2x assets when setting @1x version.

  • tick icon

    Expanded carousel image options.

  • tick icon

    Improved scroll to element when changing breakpoint.

  • tick icon

    Improved visual styling of class token field for better legibility.

  • tick icon

    Improved UX of class token field to make it easier to select class tokens.

  • tick icon

    Added various new options to class token field context menu.

  • tick icon

    Added support to dismiss class autocomplete popover with escape key.

  • tick icon

    Improved Wordpress feature image php.

  • tick icon

    Improved export functions that handle Custom Brics within Custom Brics.

  • tick icon

    Added a warning for case sensitive file systems.

  • tick icon

    Updated Follow Bric.

  • tick icon

    Updated all site templates to use new follow Bric.

  • tick icon

    Added in-app preview support for all WordPress thumbnail sizes.

  • tick icon

    Improved clicks not being registered when main window not active.

  • tick icon

    Added support for new developer API bric-php-snippet tag.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused local preview URL to fail sometimes.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with hidden Global Areas showing in screenshot generation when exporting page as image.

  • tick icon

    Fixed video Bric in custom Bloc thumbnail generator.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when pasting in text in class token field when it is formatted.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with escaped string hosted assets from being deleted from Asset Manager.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Bloc Bar to auto close after adding a Bloc and opening the bar again.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented undo state from being set when assigning a freehand class in inspector.

  • tick icon

    Fixed masonry galleries not displaying correctly when capturing snapshots with Bootstrap 5 projects.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when clicking in class token field.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with element selection being reset when switching between page navigator and layer tree when a search term has been used.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Class Editor element class menu being refreshed when a class is removed from an element.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented main prefs app relaunch working when there are unsaved changes in current document.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with wrong controls showing in sidebar for carousel indicator selection.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented pasting string text into the class token field.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with animating span tags.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Extractor to crash when extracting colours with CSS colour profiles.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused duplicate SVG images in Extractor on MacOS 13 and above.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with CSS code completions in Code Editor.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause remove-on-export class to fail.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause Custom Bric helper class . to fail.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to get locked in freehand mode, when shift clicking outside of canvas into app UI.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause freehand keyboard shortcut to to fail.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause missing download files after export.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with Wordpress themes breaking if custom post type has space in name.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with nudging objects on the design canvas.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with nudge and selection keyboard shortcuts breaking.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash on MacOS Catalina.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash on MacOS Catalina when opening the Class Editor.

  • tick icon

    Fixed disclosure icon on layer tree when running in light mode.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with layer tree icon colours.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with Wordpress feature image code.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with Wordpress image thumbnail short codes.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused to break when nesting custom Brics within custom Brics.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused empty ID elements to show in custom Bric ID dropdown menu.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when updating a custom Bric that uses line returns in it's template values.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with custom Bric ID dropdown being a different colour in dark theme.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when right clicking layer tree.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with custom Bric templates that caused duplicate unwanted resources.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with custom Bric template values being wrongly populated when duplicating items.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash during search if duplicate Custom Brics exits.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when reseting a custom Bric that is not installed.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused custom Brics to be installed but not show in Extension Manager.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused duplicate custom Brics in Bric Bar.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused installing multiple custom Brics at once to not install correctly.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with arrow keys not changing class highlight selection on design canvas.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause Blocs to crash if pages are filtered and a Bloc containing a custom Bric is moved between page zones.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when page navigator has no results for search term and current visible page is interacted with.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused unwanted scroll space when switching between layer tree and page navigator.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Wordpress custom posts with spaces in their names to not load in loops.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented Blocs being added if a Bloc is slightly scrolled off screen in the Bloc Bar.

  • tick icon

    Fixed Wordpress custom post preview data being collected if custom post has a space in name.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Layer Tree item label to become editable when right clicking.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused mutated code if using the Wordpress Content Bric in a Wordpress loop.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with code editor and undo states.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented scroll FX being reset when using the clear button.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused mutated code if using the Wordpress Content Bric in a Wordpress loop.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented active marker refreshing when changing image scale option.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause class description changes to not take effect.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused web fonts with !important used in class to be flagged as missing fonts.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various error handling issues with AI Assistant.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.1.5

Nov 21st 2023


  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues that caused Blocs to crash on MacOS Catalina.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with installing multiple .bex files with Extension Manager.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause Blocs to crash if pages are filtered and a Bloc containing a custom Bric is moved between page zones.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.1.4

Oct 24th 2023

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Update Bootstrap V5 to V5.3.2.

  • tick icon

    Improved canvas drag and drop functionality.

  • tick icon

    Improved selection keyboard shortcut.

  • tick icon

    Added new global JS variable siteRelativeURLPath which returns the current page relative URL Path on the JS front end.

  • tick icon

    Added new sidebar UI for custom Bric attachments.

  • tick icon

    Added new feature that checks for missing attachments for the currently selected custom Bric.

  • tick icon

    Added visual marker to project and page attachments that are related to custom Brics in page and project Settings.

  • tick icon

    Added support to edit text in span with return key.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when deleting a Mail Server.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various interface issues with MacOS Sonoma.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when deleting custom Bric slider value on macOS Sonoma.

  • tick icon

    Fixed Site Search Bric when using custom URL page paths.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused forms to not function correctly on custom page URLs.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with dragging container div Bric.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause custom Brics resources to remain in project after the last instance of Bric has been removed.

  • tick icon

    Fixed a wide range of drag and drop issues on canvas.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with custom Bric attachments when dragging Brics between page zones.

  • tick icon

    Fixed a range of custom Bric attachment issues related to working with projects between Macs and iPads.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause duplicate page and project attachments to be included in exported websites.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with unwanted br tags being inserted into links and spans when they are generated within text Brics.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused preview to break when ? used in page name.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.1.3

Sept 25th 2023

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Added Support for MacOS Sonoma.

  • tick icon

    Updated Bootstrap to version 5.3.1.

  • tick icon

    Added grid position options to Class Editor.

  • tick icon

    Improved canvas CSS Grid controls.

  • tick icon

    Updated Delete Page button label.

  • tick icon

    Updated various parts of the user interface.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with scrollbar not working in class autocomplete dropdown.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with file attachments being added when dropped on windows that overlap the Blocs application window.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused custom Brics nested within custom Brics to have some custom data attributes removed.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash on MacOS Sonoma when editing colours.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with grid-row-end field not being populated correctly.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with background clip border option crashing Blocs.

  • tick icon

    Fixed a range of interface issues.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause class editor to crash.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.1.2

Sept 4th 2023

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Improved export and preview page speeds on projects with lots of images.

  • tick icon

    Added preview in browser support for DuckDuckGo and Arc.

  • tick icon

    Include description in Class Library Manager items.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that cause text caret to disappear when applying gradients to text elements.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented removing unfound assets in a generated package.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused images to have wrong size when auto tag generate is enabled.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused export to crash when exporting image heavy websites with auto image size tag feature enabled.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with object alignment keyboard shortcut breaking on buttons when using Bootstrap 5 framework.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented + keyboard key opening Bloc Bar after last Bloc is deleted.

  • tick icon

    Fixed some inconsistent interface labels.

  • tick icon

    Fixed some minor UI issues.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.1.1

July 17th 2023

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Added navigation dropdown link subclass to Class Manager.

  • tick icon

    Tweaked dropdown navigation colour fix to be more flexible.

  • tick icon

    Added support for ../ short code in preview mode.

  • tick icon

    Made page settings path preview text selectable.

  • tick icon

    Added support to open context menu for Global Swatch and Preview Button with control click.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that would prevent site templates being re-installed when re-generating the Blocs system application folder.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented newly added fonts to the Google Fonts database from exporting.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused renaming embedded assets with the same name but with some character case changes to break link.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused right clicking zip files to crash Blocs.

  • tick icon

    Fixed unwanted additional leading white space on email body in posted forms.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with export when custom Bric provides asset path that is invalid.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with selecting Bloc above and below with keyboard shortcut.

  • tick icon

    Fixed visual glitch with drag and drop multi image UI.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.1.0

July 3rd 2023

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Added AI Assistant.

  • tick icon

    Added custom Bloc library support.

  • tick icon

    Added SMTP form posting support.

  • tick icon

    Added Eventus Site Template.

  • tick icon

    Added 8x New Navigation Blocs.

  • tick icon

    Updated all original navigation Blocs.

  • tick icon

    Added support to reorder Bloc Bar Favourites.

  • tick icon

    Added large previews for core Blocs.

  • tick icon

    Added Support for Bootstrap 5.3.

  • tick icon

    Added new Bootstrap 5 theme controls.

  • tick icon

    Added support to reorder Global Swatches.

  • tick icon

    Added typography controls to notes window.

  • tick icon

    Added support to delete multiple classes in Class Manager.

  • tick icon

    Added highlight class on canvas multi class selection support.

  • tick icon

    Added CSS Grid Template fields to Class Editor.

  • tick icon

    Added Text Data Feed support for link Brics.

  • tick icon

    Added new reset image options for all stock images that Blocs uses.

  • tick icon

    Tweaked default height for empty CSS Grid container.

  • tick icon

    Updated Follow Links Bric for new Youtube URL Support.

  • tick icon

    Updated all Core Site Templates to use new version of Follow Link Bric.

  • tick icon

    Expanded class auto dot detection to exclude all support html 5 tags.

  • tick icon

    Improved installation speed when installing large numbers of Bloc Extensions.

  • tick icon

    Added progress indicator when installing large numbers of extensions.

  • tick icon

    Added ability to retain current thumbnail when saving and replacing a custom Bloc.

  • tick icon

    Improved colour management of navigation dropdown links.

  • tick icon

    Made the placeholder reply email used when there is no email field in a form more helpful.

  • tick icon

    Updated jQuery to 3.6.4.

  • tick icon

    Updated devices credit link.


  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with page thumbnails not looking correct.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused wrong page to be loaded when using next and previous page keyboard shortcuts.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused layer tree to break when wrapping images and icons in div containers if they have interactions applied.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused layer tree to break when duplicating elements.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused text Bric value to be cleared when using insert text objects via main menu.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused the first Bloc loaded into the Bloc Editor to have the wrong category set.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that could cause duplicate Global Swatches when adding Blocs and page templates.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused duplicate and copy and paste function to crash and break Layer Tree.

  • tick icon

    Fixed custom Bric CSS rendering in page and custom Bloc thumbnail images.

  • tick icon

    Fixed minor display issues with Blocs light box caption.

  • tick icon

    Fixed missing preview icon on macOS 10.15.

  • tick icon

    Fixed crash on MacOS Ventura.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with protected classes being used within the design environment.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with cropped URL field in Menu Manager.

  • tick icon

    Fixed wrong tooltip on FTP protocol dropdown.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused quick start site name placeholder text to be sticky between projects.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash if Menu Manager is launched at startup automatically.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused carousels to break Layer Tree.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused text to disappear when removing an image from a project, if it is set as a Bloc background.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with + key not opening Bloc Bar on empty page.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when selecting an empty area in the Class Manager when highlight class is enabled.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with active marker not showing correct name when a custom Bric is nested within custom Bric container.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented hiding multi-line text labels when using Bric API.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused some elements to lose their alignment values in thumbnails generated by Blocs.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused numbers on carousel indicators.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with keyboard shortcut for moving Blocs.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.0.8

Mar 30th 2023


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash on MacOS Ventura 13.3.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.0.7

Mar 13th 2023

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Added ability to update stored Custom Blocs.

  • tick icon

    Added a range of new Bloc Categories that Blocs can be assigned to.

  • tick icon

    Added new developer option to force replacing Blocs when installing newer versions.

  • tick icon

    Added template colour support for stored custom Blocs (Primary, Secondary etc).

  • tick icon

    Improved how ID's are handled in Custom Blocs. They will be made unique only if an ID has been used on the current page.

  • tick icon

    Added support for duplicating Blocs containing visibility interactions.

  • tick icon

    Added support to insert text values such as span into Grid item CSS Fields.

  • tick icon

    Freehand height controls now set min-height value on div containers rather than height.

  • tick icon

    Add wireframe mode canvas warning.

  • tick icon

    Improved Custom Bloc alphabetical sorting.

  • tick icon

    Bloc Editor now supports jpg's as Bloc thumbnails.

  • tick icon

    Added support to export multiple Blocs from Bloc Editor.

  • tick icon

    Added additional server checks to prevent Blocs hanging when checking for Bric updates.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused wrong swatch to be selected in Global Swatch Manager, when selecting text elements.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when using Clip Padding Box.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused include jQuery export option to be reset.

  • tick icon

    Fixed rare issue that caused Blocs to crash when adding custom Blocs.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with page and custom Bloc thumbnails displaying wrong layout.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused unwanted empty space in Bloc Bar.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with page thumbnails showing wrong layout.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented typing auto into CSS Grid Column and Row fields.

  • tick icon

    Fixed stability issue with layer tree.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.0.6

Feb 20th 2023

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Added ability to disable image tag dimension auto data attribute generation on export.

  • tick icon

    Disabled image dimension auto data attribute generation for custom Bric images.

  • tick icon

    Added Global Colour support to Custom Brics.

  • tick icon

    Updated Follow Links Bric.

  • tick icon

    Updated all core site templates to use new Follow Links Bric.

  • tick icon

    Improved visibility hide on all breakpoint controls to match Blocs on iPad UX.

  • tick icon

    Add image protection to navigation logo.

  • tick icon

    Improved publishing error handling.

  • tick icon

    Improved using Bootstrap button theme classes.

  • tick icon

    Tweaked how tooltips are generated on application UI.

  • tick icon

    Added support for multiple extension installing from Extension Manager.

  • tick icon

    Moved browse store button into Bloc settings dropdown.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that left video playing in Blocs Academy when window is closed.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue of overlapping data when opening Blocs Store results in Bric bar.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash if custom Bric linked to page that had been deleted.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with light box videos on Bootstrap 5.

  • tick icon

    Fixed removing assets used in classes still showing on design canvas.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that left image thumbnail used in class showing in Class Editor after itโ€™s been removed.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when removing missing hosted assets.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused elements to be labelled as buttons if they contain button classes.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when adding custom Brics in full screen mode that use multi line text fields.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented show in finder working with iCloud hosted assets.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.0.5

Jan 25th 2023

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Updated Google Font downloader API URL.

  • tick icon

    Improved scroll to top button html for improved lighthouse page insight SEO and Accessibility score.

  • tick icon

    Added new developer sandbox tool for use with Blocs API (Main Menu: Developer > Developer Sandbox).

  • tick icon

    Added ability to select UI element in Bric Builder on the left side of interface builder.

  • tick icon

    Automatically scroll developer console feed when new log is published.

  • tick icon

    Added support for e-commerce credentials using short codes.

  • tick icon

    Added new page level short code.

  • tick icon

    Added New Global Variables to custom Bric sandbox environment.

  • tick icon

    Added new developer sandbox environment utilities.

  • tick icon

    Added preview to HTML input code zone in Bric Builder.

  • tick icon

    Added new segmented controls to Bric Builder.

  • tick icon

    Updated Blank Bric Template to include useful notes.

  • tick icon

    Remove quotes from font select value in custom Bric font selection element.

  • tick icon

    Removed custom Bric cursor icon image wells. No longer required.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused scroll bar showing on CSS Grid Column controls.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused active element marker being misaligned after export.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented lazy load working correctly when a code widget is present on a page.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that broke Stripe and Paddle success URLs if the site address ends with a forward slash.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented active image being selected when Asset Manager is first launched.

  • tick icon

    Fixed export issue with wrapper tags.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that showed spacing controls for device images.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that would allow removing Bootstrap classes from elements when they are required.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with canvas layout distorting after preview mode.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused spacing to not work correctly on text and images migrated from Blocs 4.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Global Colours stored in custom classes used in Blocs added to the library to break.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused broken images on Wordpress themes when webP images are enabled.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with clean URLs and HTM page suffix.

  • tick icon

    Fixed missing cross icons on MacOS Catalina for spacing controls, font selection dropdown and colour wells.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issue with Blocs API hide function.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Bric builder to crash when using RGBA colour values for colour well.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused text field expand button to be misplaced on custom Bric UI.

  • tick icon

    Fixed layer tree icons in Bric Builder.

  • tick icon

    Fixed checkbox background colour mismatch in Bric Builder UI.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.0.4

Jan 9th 2023

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    More export and preview optimisations.

  • tick icon

    Improved preview in browser speed for large projects.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented changes to RGBA colour controls taking effect when starting with a template.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused broken class values if class unit value typed into field.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused background images applied in custom classes to break, if they are .gif or .svg and WebP is enabled.

  • tick icon

    Fixed some minor UI issues.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.0.3

Dec 19th 2022

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Added font-display: swap; automatically to @font-face class rules for locally hosted web fonts. Improves lighthouse page speed score.

  • tick icon

    Made CSS Grid column resize more responsive.

  • tick icon

    Changed Publish Manager open in browser to use site address from project settings.

  • tick icon

    Added better error handling for publishing when path value is incorrect.

  • tick icon

    Disable container tag on Blocs in groups.

  • tick icon

    Added new image scale options - Set an image so it scales up and down regardless of its size.

  • tick icon

    Handle installing fonts with unsupported characters in the file name.

  • tick icon

    More preview and export optimisations.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused CSS Grid row heights to be set as float values.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused CSS Grid row heights to jump when resizing.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various visual glitches when resizing CSS Grid elements.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused broken image links when using hosted image URLs in code widgets with WebP enabled.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused CSS Grid controls to break in various scenarios.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused images to be too small when exporting or previewing in mobile breakpoints.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused smaller image sizes by default when running Blocs on small screens (MacBooks).

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with Global Areas showing, when adding first Bloc to page.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.0.2

Dec 12th 2022

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Automated adding width and height data attributes to all image tags on export - Improves lighthouse speed insight score.

  • tick icon

    Improved UX when screen recording permissions are not granted for colour sampler tool (Colour Picker).

  • tick icon

    Switch to temp preview port when preview port is being used by another process.

  • tick icon

    Made various improvements to Custom Bric container support.


  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented removing list items that have content.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash on Apple Silicon when layer tree data is mutated.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash on Apple silicon when custom Bric template values contain line returns.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with link cursor flickering when using in-app preview mode.

  • tick icon

    Fixed WebP fallback for background-image css on MacOS Catalina Safari.

  • tick icon

    Fixed tooltip on Class Editor.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.0.1

Dec 5th 2022

New & Improved

  • tick icon

    Added test connection feature to Publish Manager.

  • tick icon

    Added security field option for login credentials in Publish Manager.

  • tick icon

    Improved publish complete open in browser for FTP addresses.

  • tick icon

    Improved license number activation UX - old license deactivation is now automated when a new Mac is activated.


  • tick icon

    Fixed text justify options when using Bootstrap 5.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused wrong label when creating colour variant in Swatch Manager.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented floating animation working in preview mode.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various issues with colour sampling tool (eye dropper) on low resolution screens.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that prevented assets converted to WebP from showing when the file extension is uppercase.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issues that caused Stripe checkout to break.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when using the colour popover on MacOS Catalina.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with missing images on site templates on MacOS Catalina.

  • tick icon

    Fixed issue with some UI rendering issues on MacOS Catalina.

  • tick icon

    Fixed various visual issues with Catalina.

Blocs Icon

Blocs 5.0.0

November 24th 2022

Initial Release

Hello world ๐Ÿ‘‹

Blocs LogoMade in Blocs